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ARIEL SCHOOL encounter

How are we doing out there? Pretty bad? Well nobody likes to hear “the ultraterrestrial entities told you so,” but, the ultraterrestrial entities told you so. It’s Episode #104, “MESSAGE DELETED.”

It was 27 years ago this month—at the Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe—that 62 students witnessed a miracle. Of the biblical variety. Several strange, wise entities appeared in their bizarre vessel at the edge of the playground, hovering over the brush the way the White Goddess and the Queen of the Universe and the Virgin of Guadalupe always appear, so often to the relatively pure eyes and hearts of the children.

And they had a message. We did not heed the message.

Strange new soundscapes from RedBlueBlackSilver tonight, a fitting musical environment for tonight’s tales of environmental terror.

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Listen on the radio tonight at 10 p.m., KCDZ 107.7 FM in the Mojave High Desert, or stream from the station. New sounds from RedBlueBlackSilver. Thanks to everybody who supports the show on Patreon.


Burrowed down through another Extreme Heat Event, we send this radio dispatch to you. The world has gone mad, why not join the fun? Join the revolution.

Well what happened is we were talking about all the desert creatures coming out of their holes at night—literally, the rabbit holes, in the case of our many Mojave cottontails and jackrabbits—and then all the sudden we went down the rabbit hole, too. At least it’s cooler down here!

John Keel, noted Fortean author, mentions in his book Operation Trojan Horse that you’ll find a lot of odd surnames amongst the UFO/mystic world, and few common names. So we did a little research and yep, it’s true. If you enjoy the program, please leave a short review! It really helps spread the word.

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Listen on the radio tonight at 10 p.m., KCDZ 107.7 FM in the Mojave High Desert, or stream from the station. New sounds from RedBlueBlackSilver. Thanks to everybody who supports the show on Patreon.


Dark Psychic Force Desert Oracle Radio

Remember last August, a year ago, when the national media found it very funny that presidential candidate Marianne Williamson mentioned the “dark psychic force” that had taken hold of America?

Well, here we are. We had better make the best of it. How are you surviving in our New Time? We will talk about some of the ways to make it through, from spiritual revelations to forming little communities with your friends and family. Lots of fine new soundscapes by RedBlueBlackSilver, too. It’s Episode #102.

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Listen on the radio tonight at 10 p.m., KCDZ 107.7 FM in the Mojave High Desert, or stream from the station. New sounds from RedBlueBlackSilver. Thanks to everybody who supports the show on Patreon.


We are back in the scorching hot radio studio with an all-new episode of the radio show that Palm Springs Life magazine named the “Best Freaky Radio Program.” Sure, fine, we’ll take it.

Tonight, it’s all about the mysterious place names of the desert southwest, in particular the 1.6-billion-year-old 30-mile-long slab of rock called Sierra Estrella. The Estrellas. Home of the “Estrella Lights.”

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Listen on the radio tonight at 10 p.m., KCDZ 107.7 FM in the Mojave High Desert, or stream from the station.

New sounds from RedBlueBlackSilver. Thanks to everybody who supports the show on Patreon.


Remember when you could get back & forth across the border, how nice that used to be? Way back when, the 1980s and 1950s and 1890s and etc.?

Thanks to the Time Loop we all seem to be stuck in, our 99th episode is here . . . . directly following our 100th. The border used to be a lot of fun, back before the prison walls went up around our country. And guess what, now we can’t leave. PLUS: Jason P. Woodbury joins us with the wild tale of Arizona’s own Giant Sand. Listen on the radio tonight at 10 p.m., KCDZ 107.7 FM in the Mojave High Desert, or stream from the station.

New sounds from RedBlueBlackSilver. Thanks to everybody who supports the show on Patreon. Just click below to support our radio show/podcast/periodical/performances/psychic communications:

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Here’s Jason P. Woodbury in conversation with Giant Sand’s Howe Gelb and Steve Wynn of the Dream Syndicate and Robyn Hitchcock.

And this is the new Dublab / Aquarium Drunkard radio show featuring Jason’s Range & Basin broadcast.

Here’s our host Ken Layne on KCDZ FM’s Up Close show on Friday, July 17, 2020:



(Listen loud, and AFTER DARK.)

From our secure, undisclosed Mojave Desert radio studio, tonight we bring you our 100th episode, with strange tales of the Amboy Ghost Lights and an uncomfortable visit from Brendan Maze, local businessman, and new sounds from RedBlueBlackSilver. Thanks to everybody who supports the show on Patreon. Just click below to support our desert institute:

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Photos by Derek in Yucca Valley.

What is this weird creature that turned up dead in Yucca Valley, in the Mojave High Desert? Wildlife biologists are baffled, and so are we. “Derek” sent these photos. You’ll hear the story tonight. The REST of the story. (Or listen to the podcast but NOT UNTIL DARK.)

What sort of cruel god would create such a useless (and dead) animal? Well probably the same one that’s behind the coronavirus and police violence and million-dollar hospital bills. Makes the Trickster spirits seem absolutely benign in comparison.

Our July 17 live broadcast at Pappy & Harriet’s, is sold out so if you didn’t get tickets, you won’t be able to get tickets at the door. But don’t worry, don’t despair, you can always hang out in Pioneertown and listen on your car radio, or whatever radio you’ve got. We’ll have a frequency for you soon, stay tuned.

You can listen to tonight’s program at 10 p.m. on KCDZ 107.7 FM, across the High Desert. E. Morricone memorial soundscapes from RedBlueBlackSilver. Thanks to everybody who supports the show on Patreon. Just click below to support our desert institute:

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Mojave Desert Mystery Pig


Photo by Kate Edwards.

Well here we are, still alive, July in the American Desert. Good enough, we guess.

Lots of details about our July 17 live event at Pappy & Harriet’s, plus your letters, and some tales of ravens and omens and … Iceland? Sure, any port in a storm.

Coming right up at 10 p.m. on KCDZ 107.7 FM across the High Desert. Soundscapes on both from RedBlueBlackSilver. Thanks to everybody who supports the show on Patreon. Just click below if you’d like to join the few & the proud:

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This episode is about the Mysterious Green Fireballs, more or less. It’s #097, available now on the device of your choice.

The radio station is a week behind, so tonight on KCDZ 107.7 FM you’ll hear last week’s episode, which honestly is worth a repeat listen: #095: “If It’s Broke, Fix It!” Soundscapes on both from RedBlueBlackSilver.

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Did you hear about the mysterious, silent green fireballs flying low and bright in the skies over Australia last week? Ever seen one yourself? Ever thought they were just some sort of meteor, as that’s what the Experts claimed? Well the experts are pulling your leg, they don’t know either. 

Come back to 1947 New Mexico with us, as we visit the strange mystery of the Green Fireballs. And don’t forget to throw us a few bucks on Patreon, it’s how we keep the studio going, the electricity flowing. http://patreon.com/DesertOracle


defund the police

Listen tonight at 10 p.m. on KCDZ 107.7 FM across the High Desert for an all-new episode of Desert Oracle Radio, #095: “If It’s Broke, Fix It!” New sounds from RedBlueBlackSilver. New outrages & prophecies from your host Ken Layne.

Fifty years ago, there was a radical plan to completely remake a county sheriff’s department in an iconic western town. It almost worked, they almost won. The job still needs to be done.

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