For some of us, the only peace of mind comes in absolute solitude, in those still numerous places where the calamitous noise of our civilization is mostly kept at bay. Ask anybody who completed a long hike — such as the PCT up the Western Spine of America — what they loved most, what made it such an unforgettable time. The solitude, they will often say. The quiet. Not the absence of sound, that’s rarely what anyone means, but the absence of the sounds of civilization. That awful, unending racket.
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Soundscapes by RedBlueBlackSilver; written & produced by Ken Layne. This is: EPISODE #210: THE HERMIT’S LIFE. Listen to the podcast now or the radio broadcast Friday nights at 10 p.m. on KCDZ 107.7 FM in Joshua Tree & the entire Mojave High Desert.