Yul Brynner in 1973's Westworld

Summer’s in the rearview but robots are blocking the road. What kind of world is this? The world of the Future.

It’s time for Episode #136 of Desert Oracle Radio, with your host Ken Layne and soundscapes from RedBlueBlackSilver. Possibly on the radio tonight at 10 in Joshua Tree, definitely on Saturday night at 9 p.m. on KZMU in Moab and Castle Valley. We should really make a webpage with all the current stations, from Alaska to Vermont. We need to get one of these robots, first, to do the “boring and unpleasant tasks.”

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NEWS: Desert Oracle/Ken Layne will be performing live & a recording an episode for broadcast at the PYGMALION festival in Urbana, Illinois. Friday, September 24, at 8 p.m. Festival tickets available now at PYGMALION.