Photo by Kate Edwards.

Well here we are, still alive, July in the American Desert. Good enough, we guess.

Lots of details about our July 17 live event at Pappy & Harriet’s, plus your letters, and some tales of ravens and omens and … Iceland? Sure, any port in a storm.

Coming right up at 10 p.m. on KCDZ 107.7 FM across the High Desert. Soundscapes on both from RedBlueBlackSilver. Thanks to everybody who supports the show on Patreon. Just click below if you’d like to join the few & the proud:

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This episode is about the Mysterious Green Fireballs, more or less. It’s #097, available now on the device of your choice.

The radio station is a week behind, so tonight on KCDZ 107.7 FM you’ll hear last week’s episode, which honestly is worth a repeat listen: #095: “If It’s Broke, Fix It!” Soundscapes on both from RedBlueBlackSilver.

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Did you hear about the mysterious, silent green fireballs flying low and bright in the skies over Australia last week? Ever seen one yourself? Ever thought they were just some sort of meteor, as that’s what the Experts claimed? Well the experts are pulling your leg, they don’t know either. 

Come back to 1947 New Mexico with us, as we visit the strange mystery of the Green Fireballs. And don’t forget to throw us a few bucks on Patreon, it’s how we keep the studio going, the electricity flowing. http://patreon.com/DesertOracle


defund the police

Listen tonight at 10 p.m. on KCDZ 107.7 FM across the High Desert for an all-new episode of Desert Oracle Radio, #095: “If It’s Broke, Fix It!” New sounds from RedBlueBlackSilver. New outrages & prophecies from your host Ken Layne.

Fifty years ago, there was a radical plan to completely remake a county sheriff’s department in an iconic western town. It almost worked, they almost won. The job still needs to be done.

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DESERT ORACLE Buffalo Soldiers

What does it mean to be a ranger? It means you are married to the mission, a soldier for your planetary home, armed with a moral compass and a Smokey Bear hat—a park-ranger style, by the way, that was introduced by the first generation of national park rangers, the Buffalo Soldiers black Calvary regiment, who began duty as Yosemite’s park rangers in 1899. With new sounds by RedBlueBlackSilver and a historical look at the Civilian Conservation Corps that was created to serve America’s national parks back in the last Great Depression.

It’s our 94th episode, “The Ranger’s Life.” Listen on Z107.7FM in the High Desert, Friday nights at 10 p.m.

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We mention Yosemite National Park Ranger Shelton Johnson in this episode. He’s on Instagram right here. It’s because of Shelton Johnson that know a lot more about the Buffalo Soldiers who served as the first park rangers in Yosemite, beginning way back in 1899.

Soundscape music by RedBlueBlackSilver. He’s got lots more music on his Bandcamp site. And the Nostalgia Trap podcast interview with our host Ken Layne is here.

http://DesertOracle.com (c)(p) 2020 Desert Oracle


When it’s Snakesgiving Time in the Mojave, everybody’s just a little more careful. Goes well with these weird new times, being careful. So please make an effort to not run over any tortoises or coyotes or bobcats or gopher snakes when you’re racing through the re-opened national park.

Roebuck. What is a roebuck? #093: WIZARDS AND CRITTERS.

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Soundscape music BY RedBlueBlackSilver.

Tune in tonight at 10 p.m., for an all-new episode of DESERT ORACLE RADIO on KCDZ 107.7 FM across the High Desert. Stream the radio broadcast tonight on Tune-In or whatever you use for streaming, for an all-new hour of Desert Oracle Radio. Every Friday night on KCDZ Joshua Tree/Yucca Valley/29 Palms.

And we’ve posted a BONUS episode on our Patreon page, another hour of Campfire Stories with more weird stories and moody nighttime music and a crackling fire.


desert oracle radio

Remember campfires? We sure do. Standing around a campfire telling stories and socializing used to be a big part of the Desert Oracle “workflow,” as they say over in corporate. And it will be again. But while we ride the storm out, here’s our most recent Campfire Stories night, from January 2020, with a brand-new RedBlueBlackSilver soundtrack and some other weird stuff. And it’s an hourlong special episode, too. Listen at 10 p.m. tonight on Z107.7 FM across the Great Mojave Wilderness or do the podcast shuffle, if you prefer: #091: CAMPFIRE NIGHTMARES. Life ain’t always empty.

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Lots of special new soundscape music from RedBlueBlackSilver.

Tune in tonight at 10 p.m., for an all-new hour of DESERT ORACLE RADIO on KCDZ 107.7 FM across the High Desert. Stream the radio broadcast tonight on Tune-In or whatever you use for streaming, for an all-new hour of Desert Oracle Radio. Every Friday night on KCDZ Joshua Tree/Yucca Valley/29 Palms.

And we’ve posted a BONUS episode on our Patreon page, another hour of Campfire Stories with more weird stories and moody nighttime music and a crackling fire.


Are they trying to ram a space-alien story down your throat again? Yeah they are, it happens sometimes. Every couple years, for reasons even they can’t agree upon. Let’s take a last look at this “Pentagon UFO” business and move on, because if ever we needed to move on, that time has come. It’s Episode #090, and you just love to see it.

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Plus: What happened over Farmington, New Mexico, in March of 1950? Whatever it was, everybody saw it. It, them, whatever it was, whatever they are. AND: Lots of real good new RedBlueBlackSilver space jams.

As per usual. Tune in tonight on Z107.7FM at 10 p.m. for an hourlong block of Desert Oracle Radio. Every Friday night on KCDZ Joshua Tree/Yucca Valley/29 Palms.



We’ve about had it with the cabin fever and now we’ve got the ramblin’ fever. So let’s pour a couple of drinks and enjoy some saloon time on this fine desert night, with Episode #089, “Back to the Barrooms.” Maybe get a beer back, too. And six more for the road. Our Phoenix friend Jason P. Woodbury joins us at the bar. Hey and here’s some radio news you can use: You can hear Jason P. Woodbury’s weekly radio program Range & Basin Wednesday nights at 9 PM PT and midnight eastern on Radio Free Aquarium Drunkard. Click that link to tune into the stream that fits your device & your mind.

There’s not enough RedBlueBlackSilver on this bar’s jukebox, but rest assured there’s a whole suite of new stuff ready for our next episode. We just lingered in the saloon too long, it’s the bartender’s fault. As per usual. Tune in tonight on Z107.7FM at 10 p.m. for an hourlong block of Desert Oracle Radio. Every Friday night on KCDZ Joshua Tree/Yucca Valley/29 Palms.

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If you enjoy the program, please leave a review on iTunes—even if you listen through a different podcast device, Apple Podcasts owns the reviews & charts business, for now. Really helps people discover the show.

#088 FROM A P.O. BOX

Desert Oracle, PO Box 1735, Joshua Tree CA 92252

A tarnished brass key, a small locked box, a sequence of magical numbers, a charmless old block building in the desert. It is here that we visit in the night, keeping our distance, looking for sustenance. It is here we receive your offerings of words and other treasure. All we mean is this: Tonight’s show is all about the letters from you, letters from our listening community, letters and their replies.

Weird new soundscapes tonight from our own RedBlueBlackSilver.

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If you enjoy the program, please leave a review on iTunes—even if you listen through a different podcast device, Apple Podcasts owns the reviews & charts business, for now. Really helps people discover the show.


wildlife bears return to Yosemite
An all-new quarantine episode of Desert Oracle Radio from our secure desert compound, where we are noting the return of the wildlife, the blue skies, the clear air, the happy songbirds, and all the springtime joys of a time when the people have chosen to stay mostly at home, for the sake of human society. New & classic soundscapes by our own RedBlueBlackSilver. Listen on the radio tonight, Z107.7 FM in the High Desert, two episodes back-to-back, 10 p.m. to 11 p.m.

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You can stream the show from our terrestrial radio station KCDZ 107.7 FM in Joshua Tree on Friday nights at 10 p.m. Want the show on YOUR community radio station? We are distributed by PRX, and available to radio stations wherever they are. Pre-order the new hardback Desert Oracle Vol. I,, if you’d like! Publication is scheduled for early December 2020. Not far now!

Thanks always & especially to our dear & beloved patrons. Join the Desert Oracle Radio private discussion group, if you are so inclined.

Subscribe to our podcast or listen at 10 p.m. Friday nights on the good old radio: KCDZ 107.7 FM in the High Desert. We’re also on Spotify and Pandora and Stitcher and iHeart & all the rest. May Saint Minerva bless and keep you, always. ❇️

http://DesertOracle.com (c)(p) 2017-2020 Desert Oracle