We’ve all been dreaming a lot more than usual, or so it seems. But what happens when we all begin dreaming the same dream? #086: NEVER THE TWAIN SHALL MEET, a new 28-minute episode, with a new soundscape track by RedBlueBlackSilver. Sounds best on the radio at night but you can listen now, because it goes well with a rainy desert day, too.
Hear the show on terrestrial radio station KCDZ 107.7 FM in Joshua Tree on Friday nights at 10 p.m. Want the show on YOUR community radio station? We are distributed by PRX, and available to radio stations wherever they are. Pre-order the new hardback Desert Oracle Vol. I,, if you’d like!
Thanks always & especially to our dear & beloved patrons. Join the Desert Oracle Radio private discussion group, if you are so inclined.
Subscribe to our podcast or listen at 10 p.m. Friday nights on the good old radio: KCDZ 107.7 FM in the High Desert. We’re also on Spotify and Pandora and Stitcher and iHeart & all the rest. May Saint Minerva bless and keep you, always. ❇️