Our final show of the yearlong first season will broadcast tonight at 10 p.m. Joshua Tree Time, across the Mojave Wilderness on Z107.7 FM and everywhere on your podcast device. The desert may be popular with elaborately costumed visitors and weekenders these days, but in time it will go back to the desert of the Bible: a place of banishment and horror, where ostriches and demons dance in the abandoned cabins.

Three new tracks by RedBlueBlackSilver tonight, and do visit his website for news on his Hunt For the Skinwalker soundtrack.

And do not forget: Friday, July 13, 7 p.m. at Valley Bar Phoenix, it’s DESERT ORACLE RADIO live on stage!

Live on the radio, KCDZ in the High Desert, or subscribe to the podcast, or listen right here on our Art19 audio player:


desert oracle radio saucer crash
Two weird trips to Death Valley: 1849 and 1949. It’s an all-new episode of DESERT ORACLE RADIO.

Three new tracks by RedBlueBlackSilver tonight, and do visit his website for news on his Hunt For the Skinwalker soundtrack. We’ve got to keep this short, got to see a man about a dog, so why not go ahead and listen!

Live on the radio, KCDZ 107.7 FM in the High Desert, or subscribe to the podcast.

And do not forget: Friday, July 13, 7 p.m. at Valley Bar Phoenix, it’s DESERT ORACLE RADIO live on stage!


Now is the time for Episode #033 of DESERT ORACLE RADIO. Listen live on the radio, KCDZ 107.7 FM in Joshua Tree, every Friday night at 10 p.m. Or get the podcast via your preferred podcast service provider.

Several new soundscapes from RedBlueBlackSilver tonight, alongside tales of blood spilt upon the sand and the rapid deterioration of the situation.


DESERT ORACLE RADIOPhotos by Tanene Allison.

Mysteries of the Great Basin and the Mojave tonight, as we follow the discovery of hundreds of strange ground circles north of Benton on Highway 6 and the bizarre three-clawed tracks of an alleged monster in a nature preserve just outside of the town of Joshua Tree—the latter discovered by Tanene Allison of Joshua Tree. She joins us tonight to discuss these oddball three-clawed footprints that were twice the size of her 70-lb. dog’s paw prints.

And thanks to Patrick Donnelly in Pahrump, we got looped in on a terrific mystery involving bizarre satellite imagery and last-minute scientific field studies.

It’s Episode #032 of DESERT ORACLE RADIO. Listen live on the radio, KCDZ 107.7 FM in Joshua Tree, every Friday night at 10 p.m. Or get the podcast via your preferred podcast service provider.


andy warhol tucson arizona 1968 desert oracle radio
What was Andy Warhol doing up in the High Desert north of Tucson, at a dude ranch? Also: Brendan Maze calls in from one of his investment properties in Victorville, where tumbleweed drifts have surrounded the development.

Recorded live at the Palm Springs Art Museum, it’s Episode #031, the second of two episodes from last week’s performance at the PS Art Museum. Listen live on the radio, KCDZ 107.7 FM in Joshua Tree, every Friday night at 10 p.m.)

DESERT ORACLE #7 is out now, by the way. Find it all around the High Desert or order a subscription and back issues from our website.

A selection of interesting atmospheric sounds and tracks tonight, including these soundscapes from Joshua Tree’s own RedBlueBlackSilver: Scorpion Flat, Sykes Crater, Lost Dutchman Mine, Yucca Mesa and Ursa Major. You’ll also hear Mazurek by Doxent Zsigmond (c) 2014, and Ninth Ward by gurdonark (c) 2006, both licensed under Creative Commons.


desert oracle snakesgiving

Recorded live at the Palm Springs Art Museum, it’s Episode #030, here to help you celebrate this Snakesgiving Day Weekend. (We did two episodes at the PS Art Museum; the other will be broadcast next Friday night, May 4. Listen live on the radio, KCDZ 107.7 FM in Joshua Tree, every Friday night at 10 p.m.)

DESERT ORACLE #7 is out now, by the way. Find it all around the High Desert or order a subscription and back issues from our website.

A selection of interesting atmospheric sounds and tracks tonight, including these soundscapes from RedBlueBlackSilver: Highway 247 Hypnosis, Telescope Peak, Amber, Yucca Mesa and Ursa Major. You’ll also hear The Transcendent Tipi by Martijn de Boer (NiGiD) (Copyright 2016, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial [3.0] license. Ft: Javolenus).


"the voice of the desert"

It’s Episode #029, for your listening enjoyment. Sure is busy around here this week. Apparently there’s a music festival down in the Low Desert. And: We remember the late, great Art Bell, with some help on the Wild Card Line from Jason P. Woodbury … who also happens to be the author of an interesting article in the current DESERT ORACLE, about the Casa Grande Domes.

As for the call-in line, call in anytime! Doc Daniels might know more about this sort of thing. Speaking of: Doc’s got an informative new article in DESERT ORACLE #7, regarding various ways you can perish in the desert.

Some new and old desert soundscapes tonight from RedBlueBlackSilver tonight: Partition Arch, Courthouse Wash, and Amber.



It’s springtime and the High Desert is very busy—not just with visitors taking Instagram pictures, but with the creatures, the creatures waking up and crawling out and feeling frisky, as they say.

Listen to the show right here on Art19, subscribe on your favorite podcast system, or tune in tonight in the High Desert, 10 p.m. on KCDZ 107.7 FM in Joshua Tree, every Friday night. And you’ll hear some new tracks tonight from RedBlueBlackSilver: Echo Canyon and Badwater, along with some of Telescope Peak because that one always goes nice with DESERT ORACLE RADIO.