Night has fallen on the desert, and if you’re in the Western Mojave around Joshua Tree National Park and all the way out to Kelso and Las Vegas and Yuma, you might already have the buckets out for any newly discovered leaks in the roof, because rain is in the forecast for the whole region. Up to 80% chance of heavy rain tonight in Yucca Valley, and really getting soaked along the Mexican border, flood watch in effect from Yuma to Lake Havasu City. All because of Hurricane Kay, our tropical visitor. This is EPISODE #168: LIKE A HURRICANE, with soundscapes by RedBlueBlackSilver.

Our audiobook is out now, and October tour dates have been announced: New York, Oakland, Arcata, Portland, Vancouver BC, Seattle, Boise, SLC!

Thank you for supporting this low-budget operation in the Mojave Desert by making a small contribution via Patreon!

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bye bitch

An interesting thing about a raging flash flood is how quiet it is, for the most part. Sometimes you’ll hear a pinyon log sort of bonk against a boulder, but the silt and the mud absorbs most of the sound. Sometimes, you feel a rumble from the ground below, a pleasing sort of rumble. Like it’s far away, a distant freight train. But the flood’s right there, ready to pull you down to the Underworld. EPISODE #167: DOWN IN THE FLOOD, with soundscapes by RedBlueBlackSilver.

You can preorder our new audiobook, Desert Oracle Vol. 1, wherever you get audiobooks.

Be a Holy Ranger of Santa Minerva, and become a patron of Desert Oracle today.

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It sure has been a wild week or two, especially here in the Mojave. Just a few days after massive flash floods washed out a number of roads within Mojave National Preserve — the completely washed-out Baker-Kelso road in particular — Death Valley got it hard. Weather chaos, monsoon deluges, UFOs and the supernatural world of science, all on tonight’s new episode of Desert Oracle Radio, hosted by Ken Layne & with new soundscapes by RedBlueBlackSilver.

You can now pre-order the Desert Oracle Vol. 1 audiobook from Macmillan, narrated by Ken Layne.

We sure do appreciate those of you who support this program on Patreon.com/DesertOracle! It’s easy to do, and keeps us on the air & more or less “in business.” PHOTO CREDIT: NPS DEATH VALLEY

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Leave Room for Nature

The Hoover Dam, already dealing with a severe lack of water on the reservoir side, suffered an explosion and fire this week. And somebody predicted the Hoover Dam was “next” after the mysterious Georgia Guidestones were blown up by some anonymous Taliban cosplayers. Welcome to another summer on Earth!

At least we have the sanctity of the night, if we allow ourselves the luxury. Being a night owl might even mean you’re some kind of tortured genius, so that’s good. Maybe. It’s EPISODE #165: GUIDE-STONES OF THE END TIMES! Hosted by Ken Layne with new soundscapes by RedBlueBlackSilver.

Thanks for supporting this program on Patreon.com/DesertOracle!

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The owl looks down upon the little desert town

What has horns and flies overhead at night? The Great Horned Owl, that’s who. Although the “horns” are just the feather shapes — ear feathers! — and not actual horn material. As far as science knows. Join us at 10 p.m. tonight on KCDZ 107.7 FM or use your phone as the world’s most expensive pocket radio, as we examine the bird’s-eye view of the world, and what it can do for your state of mind.

It’s EPISODE 164: OWL-EYE’S VIEW. Hosted by Ken Layne with new soundscapes by RedBlueBlackSilver.

Thanks for supporting this program on Patreon.com/DesertOracle!

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Now that it’s good & hot outside, let’s wander the high desert boulder-strewn hills of Nevada’s Lincoln County. Home to Pahranagat Man, a very specific rock-art figure that fits right in with what this land would become in the 20th Century: Area 51, dreamland for the believers in the E.T. mythology. It’s EPISODE #163: AREA 51’s MYSTERIOUS PETROGLYPH: PAHRANAGAT MAN Hosted by Ken Layne, with soundscapes by RedBlueBlackSilver.

Thanks for supporting this program on Patreon.com/DesertOracle!

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Listen on the radio, 10 PM Fridays, on KCDZ 107.7 FM in the Mojave High Desert. You can get the new trade-paperback edition of Desert Oracle Vol. 1 wherever you buy books.


In wintertime, in springtime, and in the magic months of late Autumn, the desert is the finest place in the world. But now we are coming to the other part — the “Bad Place,” as they say in the Bible. A time for weeping and a time for gnashing of teeth. As the humans hide in their air-conditioned mechanical prisons, the roadrunner is having the time of its life. Roadrunners love the heat of summer, because there’s a feast of lizards and snakes in the daytime, and the usual desperate bunnies and rats at night.

ALSO: The Sermon on the Mount, and Spell #125 from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, and some good news about the near future. Thanks for supporting this program on Patreon.com/DesertOracle!

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Now is the time for EPISODE #162: THE TIME OF THE ROADRUNNER. Listen on the radio, 10 PM Fridays, on KCDZ 107.7 FM in the Mojave High Desert.
With live soundscapes by RedBlueBlackSilver. You can get the new trade-paperback edition of Desert Oracle Vol. 1 wherever you buy books.


Desert Oracle Radio - Kid Congo Powers

Tonight we are joined by Kid Congo Powers, legendary guitarist from the Golden Age of The Cramps, The Gun Club, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, and his longtime band Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds. We talk about his new home in the Tucson desert, his 14-minute desert-groove “He Walked In” from 2021, and the importance of Magick & Alchemy. ALSO: Desert Oracle Radio live in Wonder Valley, with Ken Layne and RedBlueBlackSilver.

It’s EPISODE #161: SOME NEW KIND OF KICK. Thanks to everybody who supports this show at patreon.com/desertoracle.

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You can pre-order Kid Congo Powers’ new memoir, Some New Kind of Kick, due out in October.

Listen on the radio, 10 PM Fridays, on KCDZ 107.7 FM in the Mojave High Desert.
With live soundscapes by RedBlueBlackSilver. You can get the new trade-paperback edition of Desert Oracle Vol. 1 wherever you buy books.


hudson-valley boomerang

We are back with a new episode, all about the wonders of the High Desert, and the various aerial portents we call Wonders in the Sky. Including a black triangle sighting in Los Angeles, reported by our listener “Ellis in L.A.” PLUS: If you’re near Wonder Valley tonight, come on by The Palms on Amboy Road, where we are doing a rare live event with RedBlueBlackSilver, 10 p.m. on the outdoor stage, under the stars and whatever else might pass overhead, for the All Summers Eve Desert Rendezvous festival.

Listen on the radio, 10 PM Fridays, on KCDZ 107.7 FM in the Mojave High Desert.

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Written & hosted by Ken Layne, with new soundscapes by RedBlueBlackSilver. Thanks to everybody who supports this show at patreon.com/desertoracle. You can get the new trade-paperback edition of Desert Oracle Vol. 1 wherever you buy books.


Send in the Clowns, well maybe next year

We are meditating upon some various facts and figures here in the Mojave High Desert this week, from the warm weather in Twentynine Palms to “which apostle was crucified upside down and is now remembered with an immense phallic monument to the Egyptian sun god, Ra?” It’s EPISODE #159: IT WILL NEVER COME AGAIN. Listen on the radio, 10 PM Fridays, on KCDZ 107.7 FM in the Mojave High Desert.

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Written & hosted by Ken Layne, with new soundscapes by RedBlueBlackSilver. Thanks to everybody who supports this show at patreon.com/desertoracle.