

Gotta light?

It’s a cold, cold night in the wind-blasted desert, and we hear there’s snow a-comin’, can’t come soon enough. Listen to the harrowing sounds of the 1961 Bel Air Fire, prepare for Mojo Nixon’s anniversary (of death), and join us in remembering our favorite Intermountain West surrealist, the late great David Lynch. Soundscapes by RedBlueBlackSilver. Suitable for some families.

Listen now on the podcast, or Friday nights at 10 PM on Z107.7 FM in Joshua Tree. This is EPISODE #236: ONE CHANTS OUT BETWEEN TWO WORLDS.

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Another wild and windy night in these first strange days and nights of our new year. We are monitoring the infernos & catastrophes, but also celebrating the creation of Chuckwalla National Monument in the vast weird desert east of Coachella, all the way to the Colorado River. Plus: A phone call from our High Desert pal Herbie Benham, and soundscapes RedBlueBlackSilver. Listen now on the podcast, or Friday nights at 10 PM on Z107.7 FM in Joshua Tree. This is EPISODE #235: HILLS ARE FILLED WITH FIRE.

Thanks for supporting this advertising-free program on our Patreon.com/DesertOracle page.

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Desolation Peak fire lookout cabin

We are back in Joshua Tree with tales of desert creatures, snowy mountains, and the secret journals of Jack Kerouac newly published as Desolation Peak. That’s the old U.S. Forest Service fire-lookout cabin atop Desolation Peak, in the photograph above.

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Thanks for supporting this commercial-free independent radio show provided free to the world. Click here to support Desert Oracle! Listen on the radio tonight, 10-11 PM, on KCDZ 107.7 FM in the High Desert, from Amboy to Zzyzx! (And that’s our notorious “Holy Rangers” episode in the second half tonight.)

Our audiobook is out now, read by Ken Layne and with chapter-title sounds by RedBlueBlackSilver.


ARIEL SCHOOL encounter

How are we doing out there? Pretty bad? Well nobody likes to hear “the ultraterrestrial entities told you so,” but, the ultraterrestrial entities told you so. It’s Episode #104, “MESSAGE DELETED.”

It was 27 years ago this month—at the Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe—that 62 students witnessed a miracle. Of the biblical variety. Several strange, wise entities appeared in their bizarre vessel at the edge of the playground, hovering over the brush the way the White Goddess and the Queen of the Universe and the Virgin of Guadalupe always appear, so often to the relatively pure eyes and hearts of the children.

And they had a message. We did not heed the message.

Strange new soundscapes from RedBlueBlackSilver tonight, a fitting musical environment for tonight’s tales of environmental terror.

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Listen on the radio tonight at 10 p.m., KCDZ 107.7 FM in the Mojave High Desert, or stream from the station. New sounds from RedBlueBlackSilver. Thanks to everybody who supports the show on Patreon.


Yucca Man
Night has fallen on the desert, and that’s when we like to tell monster stories. Weird tales.

When there’s trouble on the edge of civilization—where the wilderness meets what mankind makes—well here we encounter fierce things both natural and supernatural.

New soundscapes from RedBlueBlackSilver tonight, and a visit from our Phoenix friend Jason P. Woodbury.

Subscribe at iTunes or wherever you choose to get your podcasts. Or better yet: Listen live at 10 p.m. on KCDZ 107.7 FM in the High Desert, “from Amboy to Zzyzx,” and across the Great Mojave Wilderness!


Is the entirety of California a desert now? Bone-dry air, howling Santa Ana winds, brutal fire-storms. People go mad in this kind of weather, even without a wildfire bearing down upon them. Also: We pay a visit to Hi-Desert artist & filmmaker Kate McCabe at her Kidnap Yourself HQ on Yucca Mesa. (You can see new artworks by Kate McCabe & hear her spin records at the Querma de Joshua Tree event on Saturday night at the JT Retreat Center.)

Sounds you’ll hear tonight include field recordings of desert critters & barking dogs, our theme music by Pierre Langer, and three new pieces by Joshua Tree’s RedBlueBlackSilver: “Three Ghosts At the Apple Valley Inn,” “Ursa Major,” and “Cassini.” Also: “Heaven & Hell” by Donnie Drost (c) copyright 2010 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Gurdonark.

Subscribe to the podcast where-ever you do such things … try Stitcher, or iTunes, or TuneIn. And stream the program live on Friday nights at 10 p.m., or BETTER YET be in the Mojave on a cold December night and tune in on the FM radio, KCDZ 107.7 FM around and across the High Desert.